Bound to the Past

This video, Bound to the Past give a glimpse into the life of two of Madagascar’s people groups – the Sakalava and Antakarana. These two groups are still considered “unreached” with the gospel, and in the video you can see why. They life in remote areas (especially the Antakarana). and their cultures are captive to a dark spirituality. AIM wants to place four mission teams among them in the near future.

An Island Too Far

We rolled up the legs on our trousers and jumped into the wild, warm surf as our little speedboat tugged against its anchor in the rising tide. Before us was a mesmerizingly beautiful beach, drawing, it seemed, all things toward itself. As our team waded through the water with baggage and provisions atop our heads, stumbling in the thick, powdery sand, we felt like explorers in a new land.

14,610 days and counting

14,610 days and counting

Funny how your place in this world seems tenuous when you consider the place of the world in a grander setting. And how time seems as massive and unstoppable as the motion of a Gas Giant when you dare to hold a moment of it.

Newsletter ~ Thanksgiving 2011

Dear family and friends, Well, we’ve been back at it for a couple of months now. Coming home to Nairobi was not much of an adjustment after the short furlough, but in some ways, we feel like new missionaries again. As you know, we returned to work with...
Madagascar Travelog

Madagascar Travelog

We journeyed here to learn more about them: their culture, their hearts, and to generate some media that will help build up the mission teams who will one day serve here, as well as build the prayer support for those ministries.