Life on the road

Life on the road

Hard to believe we’ve been doing this for twelve years… the missionary road trip. Back in 1997 we drove Renee’s little red Cavalier over ten thousand miles on our first “deputation” trip—raising up our support before the big move to...

Newsletter – January 2009

It’s been seven years since we’ve been home for Christmas. And even though we caught some February snow two furloughs ago, Zach never remembered it. So we all had a blast this past week when eight inches piled up outside our window. We took it all in....

How to waste a weekend

I squandered my weekend. I had intended to tackle that overdue prayer letter among other things. This Saturday was supposed to get me further ahead, but my best-laid plans went up against Zach’s puppy-dog eyes. Then Renee started singing a line from...

Where I’ve been

I have on several occasions tried (started and stopped more than once) to figure out what sort of things to write here. Here in this blog which looks altogether the same. In this world which looks altogether different to me since a month ago. I think I’ve been...


On Friday we gathered for a memorial service for dad. It was simply amazing. A slice of heaven. I have spent the past two days hearing people tell me what kind of man he was. How he helped their marriage or their wayward son, or even how he saved their life. Young and...