“It’s a sad day for Kenya,” said Michael E. Ranneberger, the American ambassador to Kenya. “My biggest worry now is violence, which, let’s be honest, will be along tribal lines.” (Full NYT article here)
We have been in a state of “lock-down” on our compound today, in the heart of Nairobi. Black smoke is billowing above the treetops just a block or two away. The crack of gunfire occasionally breaks the eerie silence of a city come to a standstill. Kenyans went to the polls on Thursday last week for their presidential elections, and things have not progressed well over the weekend. Here is a link to a current New York Times report about the chaos we are witnessing, and with a little browsing online you can probably come to your own conclusions about the election. I’ll keep my opinion to myself. But as you pray for us, perhaps you can pray for this country too. That’s what we’re doing tonight.